Pashupatinath Temple Replica (Bamboo & Ringaal): Our artisans have paid attention to each and every detailed aspect of the replica and make sure that the replica is flawless and looks absolutely the best. Being made of wood and completely handcrafted, this replica is not only eco-friendly but budget-friendly as well.
The artisans do everything by their hands and no machines are used. This replica depicts the masterpiece of art created by these artisans of Uttarakhand and the number of effort they put into making these beautiful handcrafted items.
Located in Kathmandu valley in Nepal, this Shivlinga is believed to bestower all your wishes and make them come true. Famous all over the world, the Pashupatinath temple is the oldest and most important temple in Nepal. Every year, this temple sees a large number of people coming for Char Dham Yatras, pilgrimage, and for making their wishes come true.
People come in large numbers to seek the blessings of Lord Pashupatinath and explore the beauty of this temple. This replica of the Pashupatinath temple acts as a souvenir for all those people who have been there and experienced the environment in this temple. Once you come back, you realize that now you are back to the same old and monotonous routine of work. But, to make you feel always surrounded by the blessings of Lord Pashupatinath, our artisans at Uttarakhand Haat have created this replica. This replica is purely handcrafted and made from Ringaal.
With the advent of new technology and new cultures, our culture of purchasing handcrafted things is getting lost. In order to conserve it and preserve this treasured art of Uttarakhand, we need to support these artists and buy their products.
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